Point / Counterpoint: A Closer Look At ‘The Fray’ in Hindsight.

every1 knows im in
ovr my head
ovr my head
w/ 8 secs left in ovrtime
shes on ur mind :/

Do you ever have random songs stuck in your head? The Fray has been playing in my head all week and I cannot place my damn finger on why. They are the least relevant band I could ever think of. I did not just hear them on the radio. I did not recently read about them in a nostalgic, list-based Buzzy article. They are just…there… in my head.


There are a couple plausible explanations. Maybe there is a subconscious reason for this that I should ask my shrink about – that maybe I am psychologically ‘stuck’ in 2005 (my insecure jr. high days). OR maybe they are objectively just timeless/classic songs.

And regardless of the specific reason, I am very conflicted about The Fray in general.

Do I love them? Do I hate them?

I want to play a little point/counterpoint to further explore my internal strife.

As you read, begin to think about your own feelings and thoughts about this band. We need to start talking about this.

POINT:Screen Shot 2016-07-27 at 12.27.10 AM

The Fray offered a ‘fresh take’ to alt-rock with their debut album in 2005.


The album is complete horseshit and merely exploited the post-Nickelback-“im refined now”-bro listeners niche [via faux sincerity/depth]. There was nothing innovative or inherently ‘special’ in regards to their sound. They will soon be completely forgotten about (if they haven’t already been). Furthermore, The Fray directly paved the way for future insufferable acts, such as Mumford&Sons and Imagine Dragons, and for that they can never be forgiven.


The Fray was an authentic band that really ‘got’ me.


The songs are all petty in nature and served as de facto white privilege anthems in 2005-06. Listening to the lyrics/’themes’ of these songs is like reading #FirstWorldProblems tweets. The songs are by white males for (ultimately) the pleasure of white males.


How To Save A Life made me feel closer to the Lord.


How To Save A Life is not a song about Jesus, depression, hardship, etc.. It is nothing more than a basic breakup song between two rich, white, straight, cisgender tweens. The pseudo religious themes made evangelicals feel warm and giddy, and played a vital part in the song going triple platinum in sales. Between this song and Coldplay’s Fix You, slideshows for church missions trips will never bring a shortage of self-serving, emotionally manipulative tears.


Over My Head (Cable Car) is a ‘pretty chill’ song.


At best it is ‘dad rock’ (musical equivalent to the ‘dad joke’), and at worst, it is quite possibly an all-time bad song (right up there with ‘Drops Of Jupiter’, ‘She Bangs’, and ‘Friday’). The music video is even worse – which lacks any semblance of artistic merit and throws in every music video cliche in the world.

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The lead singer is cuuuute.


He straight-up looks like a chode.

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what song is stuck in ur head?

r u white?

which bands did u genuinely identify w/ in 2005 ?

did u ❤  the fray?

did the fray ‘effing suck’ ?

have u ever saved a life  [via evangelism]?


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