2017 Oscar Predictions: Very Early ‘In Memoriam’ Picks

With the 2016 Oscars circuit all wrapped up, we anxiously shift our focus to next year’s races. Certain 2017 categories are already being talked about specifically, perhaps none more than ‘In Memoriam’.  There is a revitalized interest in the category following David Bowie’s recent, very closely contested victory over Alan Rickman (which is really now being dubbed ‘saddest death award’).

Let’s take a closer look at which names to watch for this year.

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1. Morgan Freeman

Does The Academy know something that the general public does not? There was much speculation of impending death after the iconic actor took the stage last night to present Best Picture winner, perhaps as a well deserved send off.



The Academy President, Cheryl Boone Isaacs, has already commented on the possibility:

“[In reference to Freeman].. not to take anything away from Bowie, but the much talked about ‘white washing’ issue needs to be reversed across the board. Bottom line, we NEED more quality black deaths. Who better to kick the bucket than one of the all-time greats?”

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2. Maggie Smith

Two beloved Hogwarts professors in back to back years would alone make for an inevitable tear jerking ‘In Memoriam’ affair, which is exactly why we love this magical possibility. This could be her chance for that rare and highly coveted third Oscar.

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3. Dick Van Dyke

But wait, you thought he already won in this category in 2007? There seems to be annual confusion about this actor’s eligibility in this category, as most people like you are under the impression that he died a long time ago. Contrary to popular belief, Van Dyke is still very much alive (for now) and is another early favorite to take home the gold in this category next year.

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4. Zac Efron

A seemingly random selection for a spot on this list? This guy is only 28 years old and appears to be in great shape.

But what you might not know:

This party king and self-proclaimed ‘bro’ is a prime candidate for a horrific speedball overdose incident. Wishful thinking on the editor’s part? Probably. Nonetheless, this death would assuredly spike 2017 Oscar ratings from tween girl interest.

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5. Harrison Ford

Dead. Take it to the bank. The actor is already being labeled ‘the surest thing’ for nomination. But will there be enough sadness surrounding a Harrison Ford death push him over the top for a victory? Following his character’s death in the Star Wars franchise, his actual existence became far less valuable and of interest. Any tears on behalf of Han Solo have already been shed.

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