10. DOPE

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Dope takes a unique approach to the topics of drugs, gang violence, and inequality. Unlike Chi-Raq, the satirical nature and messages in this movie were not obnoxiously forced down your throat. Yet at the same time, they spoke loudly, and often through humor.  And further, this one actually makes for an enjoyable and entertaining ride. Be excited to see plenty of quality work by actor Shameik Moore going forward.


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As formulaic and contrived it may be, Hollywood knows how to effectively exploit your nostalgic lust with these reboots and sequels. It does not really matter what is written here for this movie, you saw it and probably enjoyed it quite a bit, as did I. It was the pop culture event of the decade, and extremely magnificent throughout. Here is hoping that the sequels bring in fresh minds to take new risks and explore greater depths of that galaxy.


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I love stories about writers. And in this one, we are given two. One wants what the other has. And the other has reached a point where he realizes that there really is no point to reach, as in, you will never ‘arrive’ or ‘make it’. There is so much insight in the organic and random conversations between the two characters. The movie is about life as much as it is about anything else. Jason Segel gives one of the best and underrated performances of the year.


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The funniest movie of the year (which is almost surprising, considering that it is a silent film). This is made possible by the director’s immense creativity and leaving no stone unturned while navigating through the preposterous plot.  The director also makes great use of music and pop culture references in making this gem. There is enough heart involved to have it stick with you beyond the laughs. Have I given you enough to go see it?


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A heavier movie on my list, Spotlight may have been the toughest movie to sit through based on the subject matter. The movie is powerful and smart and important. Keaton, McAdams, Ruffalo all turn in top notch performances in what is surely the best ensemble cast of the year.

Equally powerful to the movie was the experience of sitting in a crowded theater watching others watch this movie. A elderly woman next to me grabbed her husband as he sobbed towards the end of the film. Others winced and gasped at eye opening moments. Sexual abuse is rampant. And this exposé film has opened up further opportunities for justice and healing.


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Tarantino takes risks. You could call him a lot of things, but ‘safe’ would be unfair. These risks tend to pay off, as he continues to innovate on his way to being arguably to greatest writer/director of this generation. What makes him great is not just the clever dialogue and crafty eye. In Hateful Eight, Tarantino explores some of the most fundamental issues that divide this country. Here, he also writes the most compelling black character of the year as his lead, something the movie industry needs much more of. He also writes one of the strongest female characters of the year too.

The first half serves as a conflict brewing setup, and could have very well been a stage play. The final hour of this movie is the rewarding payoff, exhilarating and bloody as hell. 


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Emmanuel Lubezki is the greatest photographer in the world. This is evidenced by Tree of Life, Birdman, Gravity, and Children Of Men, just to name a few. He has nothing left to prove. So now in The Revenant, what we get from him is a full blown show off victory lap. The visuals had me completely enamored throughout.

The intense Leo is very strong here, and he’ll deservedly win the Oscar (based on who else was nominated). Tom Hardy is just as good, and one of the best villains in recent years. The film culminated in a resoundingly beautiful message about justice. Go see it on the big screen.


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Perhaps the most balanced movie of the year: captivating plot, deep, emotionally charged, and very funny. This is among the very best that Pixar has ever done.

For being a ‘kids movie’, it bravely decides to not shy away from heavy topics (in this case, depression). Sadness was one of the very best movie characters of the year. The empathy she employs in the climax was my single favorite moment in any film from this year. It struck a note in me that started me on a personal journey to start feeling again.


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Anomalisa shows you everything: longing, insecurity, beauty, blemishes, horror, humor, joy, depression, penis, vagina, and even the smallest subtleties of being human. It poignantly breaks the fourth wall in reminding you what you are watching. Anomalisa is almost like looking into the mirror, the truth will either inspire you or make you cringe.

There are no hold backs by Charlie Kaufman (Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind) in his latest effort. Kaufman has had trouble securing financial backing in the past. ‘Anomaly’ could easily also refer to it’s unique, (truly) independent production. A Kickstarter funded endeavor, this project basks in it’s artistic integrity, free from any Hollywood control.


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A troubled hero. Evil is at large. The stakes escalate. And then again. Vehicles power through a desolate desert landscape. There are explosions. And guns. And death. Your average blockbuster? Not so much.

There is much more underneath. Feminism abounds. Not of the ‘in your face’ / polarizing variety, but rather, something much more constructive. The oppressed females in this movie show how to navigate through a collapsed society. You might not guess it from the film’s trailer, but it is not bullets or oil or blood. The only true currency in this wasteland is compassion and grace.

Fury Road is the most entertaining movie of the year and an easy choice for the top spot on my list, even in a top heavy year of 2015. It’s one of the best action movies you’ll ever see. An instant classic.

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